It’s wise for families to remove bad habits that become functionless (or even counterproductive) over time.
Parenting Styles Influenced for Better, Worse by Experience
As a new dad, I’m learning parenting styles through the lens of fatherhood now while relating to what it’s like to be a son.
Embrace Your Child’s Interests to Learn Something About Yourself
It doesn’t matter what my interests are. Maybe he’ll get into that stuff later on, maybe not. It’s not about me, it’s about him.
Summer Dad Jokes So Hot Your Boy Will Son-Burn
Summer dad jokes are hot this time of year, kids. Hotter than cargo shorts. Hotter than shiny, white New Balance […]
I Want NOTHING for Father’s Day. Sweet, Blessed Nothing!
I’m serious. I truly want NOTHING for Father’s Day. In fact, I want the following, specific “NOTHINGS” …
Father’s Friday Hopes to Break Ties that Bind Dad Stereotypes
“Father’s Friday” is an online educational event aiming to raise dear old dad’s status in the parenting and working worlds.