12 guys are going for a walk. Click to read more about why the walk is so special, what Camp Kesem is, and why we are supporting it.
Venue Review: National Videogame Museum
The National Videogame Museum is a relatively new and cool addition to the Metroplex. We headed there for Father’s Eve 2016 and here is our review.
Paternity Leave
With more and more discussion and debate about Paternity Leave over the past year, David lends his voice into the mix with a strong message in favor.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Summer is here, and many of us will be taking vacations. Here’s some thoughts about how to approach traveling with a little one.
To All the Caring Dads, Our Heroes.
There are many ways to be a hero. As involved, caring dads, we strive to be heroes to our children. Here’s to an alternate view of heroism.
Book Review: Raising Supaman
Raising Supaman by Nathaniel A. Turner is a collection of letters he wrote to his son, which exemplify his thoughts about fatherhood. Here’s what we thought of it.