I’ve heard rumors about giving babies a bath in the kitchen sink. Yeah, I’ll be keeping the beast away from my food-preparation area.
Back To School Days Brings Parent Worries Beyond Readin’, ‘Riting, New Math
Let’s not pretend the kids returning back to school doesn’t have its perks. For one thing, the kids are gone! But it’s dicey from there on.
Parenting Fails Can Sometimes Be Wins for You and Your Kids
Sometimes you just need the kids to shut up or go to sleep, and what you have been told is the wrong thing to do works out all right for the both of you.
Rubber Band Helps this Dad Snap Back into Loving Parental Mode
But I’ve been wearing an rubber band on my wrist for a while now. It’s not a fashion statement; it’s a reminder that I am too hard on my 7-year-old. That I yell too much. That I say “no” too much. That I lose my patience with him too frequently.
Crying It Out, for Crying Out Loud, is Only Torture for Sleepless Parents
Crying It Out is NOT the same as Ferberizing, which involves ignoring your baby in gradually increasing intervals, by taunting him with your proximity. Crying It Out means you stay completely out of sight as opposed to cruelly teasing him.
Parenting Overrated? Let Me Count the Many Cons … and One Big Pro
We already know parents are overrated. But parenting overrated? For the parent? That question is a little trickier so let’s examine it.